黄玄羿(Xuanyi Huang) Apps

FeedTech 2.1.2
Contact the developer(联系作者):Email : [email protected]+: 黄玄羿V2.1.2 Chagelog (更新日志):1. Fix fc issue on Android platforms under lollipop(修复lollipop以下系统版本的fc问题)V2.1.1 Chagelog(更新日志):1. Add transition animations(加了一些喜闻乐见的特技)2. Fix bugs(修复一些Bug)V2.0.1 Chagelog(更新日志):1. Abandon the “Scroll to hide/show the action bar” feature toimprove scrolling experience in News interface for the moment. I’llre-add this feature if solve the scrolling lag issue(暂时放弃”滑动隐藏/显示动作栏”的特性以改善新闻界面的滑动体验。如果以后能解决滑动卡顿问题了,会把这个特性重新添加回来)V2.0 Changelog(更新日志)## The author suggests that users uninstall the old version andthen install the version2.0 (建议老用户先卸载旧版本,再安装这个新版本)1. More thorough material design(更彻底的material design)2. Subscription functionality added(增加订阅功能)3. Improvement in refresh mechanism of content(改善内容刷新机制)The RSS sources in this versionV2.0 include:1. 瘾科技Engadget China (Chinese)2. 爱范儿iFanr (Chinese)3. 少数派ssPai (Chinese)4. 数字尾巴DGtle (Chinese)5. 极客公园GeekPark (Chinese)6. 雷锋网LeiPhone (Chinese)7. 36氪36Kr (Chinese)8. cnBeta (Chinese)9. IT之家ITHome (Chinese)10. Engadget (英文)11. TheVerge (英文)12. TechnoBuffalo (英文)13. AndroidAuthority (英文)14. PocketNow (英文)15. PhoneArena (英文)16. PhoneDog (英文)Probems(问题):1. I cannot, yet, get the tinted translucent status bar right withthe new Google design library on KitKat, and accordingly, there isno translucent status bar on Kitkat in this version.(这一版使用了Google新推出的materialdesign的支持库,这是个新东西,我现在无法将Kitkat设备的半透明状态栏调好,所以这一版运行在Kitkat上是没有半透明状态栏的,抱歉)2. Tests are carried out on Android 5.1.1 (Nexus5, Moto X 1stGen) and 4.4.2 (Virtual Device), I’m not sure whether it works fineon system versions under Kitkat. (测试是在Android 5.1.1 (Nexus5, Moto X1st Gen) 和 4.4.2 (虚拟设备)上完成的,我不确定app是否能在Kitkat以下的系统中正常运行)3. It seems like, when you look through the news contents ofsome RSS sources within the app, scrolling may cause some lag.Well, it’s related to the use of the new features in Google DesignSupport Library.(貌似,在app内浏览某些RSS源新闻内容的时候,滑动的时候可能会有延迟。这和我使用了一些Google MaterialDesgin支持库的新特性有关)4. I’ve disabled javascript and plugin when you look throughnews contents within the app in order for more smooth experienceand no adds. For those wanna watch videos or do something else,please click the “Open In Browser” button in action bar. I’ll tryto typeset news contents on my own in the future.(App中浏览新闻的界面的javascipt和插件被禁用了,这样加载速度会快一点,更流畅一点。如果想看页面内视频的,或是想干其他事的,请点击动作栏中“在浏览器中打开”的按钮。以后我会尽力自己做新闻内容的排版……)